Day 7: Don't Stop Implementin'

I started off Sunday late morning with full intentions on working through the schedule set out on the day before. Unfortunately while booting up Audacity to record some sound effects, I was greeted with this:


Reinstalling and rebooting seemed to fix audio recording and playback, only to break again when one of Musescore/Godot/Spotify was used (I suspect it's something to do with ALSA contention), so I decided to put SFX off until later in the day and focus on whatever stuff needed most mental energy.

I spent the afternoon fleshing out and flitting between the GUI, game logic, screens plumbing and handling different game ending scenarios, spending probably the most amount of time on the latter because I wanted something specific for one of the 'good' endings.

Hopefully that's not giving too much away!

After coming back from a walking break around the quay, I finally got stuck into recording sound effects. I immensely enjoyed thinking of different noises that could be made with things in the flat; for example the 'develop relationship' action was 2 wine glasses filled with water clinked together, and the 'scavenge' action was shaking up a plastic jar of loose change.

I spent from after dinner until 10pm introducing another weather type (hot) and changed the visual display of weather from particles to graphics; I thought they'd be less distracting, and also I wasn't sure how to effectively convey heat with them off the top of my head.

I then worked on fleshing out the placeholder game logic functions (e.g. changing the implementation of `should_find_trinket()` to something other than `return false`) and fixing any obvious bugs I came across into the early hours, conscious that I was putting off finishing the tutorial copy and implementation. I decided to call it a day there though as I was pretty frazzled, submitted the game and got a few hours shut-eye.

On Monday late morning (7 days since starting, give or take an hour!) with a fresh new perspective I finished off the tutorial, caught and fixed another 10 bugs (~2 of which would have been seriously annoying) during playtesting and started tweaked some parameters so that it wasn't immediately obvious to me that the game's difficulty was too easy or brutal.

I'll return soon to post a postmorterm about the overall jam experience, learnings and any subsequent mechanics/parameter tweaks made based on feedback. Stay tuned!

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